Thursday, April 24, 2014

Is Motherhood a Thankless Job?

They say that being a mom is a thankless job. I actually beg to differ. Sure, having two kids can be rather tiring, and yeah, “thank you” is not really something you expect from a small child when you do things for them, but hey, motherhood is not a thankless job.

You may be wondering why this suddenly popped into my head, this idea that motherhood is not as thankless as people make it out to be. Well, while browsing the internet while the kids were taking a nap, I happened upon a video of a company hiring people for a “job” that had rather ungodly hours, crazy work expectations, and no salary. People objected to the terms that were being presented to them, only to find out later on that the job they were being offered was something millions were already doing, and this was by moms.

This struck a nerve with me. Sure, we clean after our kids after they make a huge mess of their nursery without anyone helping us. Sure we have to hold in our bodily fluids when our kids need us. And sure, we delay satisfying our own needs so that their needs will be met first. It is a daunting task, and we persevere as moms, but to say that this “profession” is thankless? I don’t think so. Seeing your kids grow up into the kind of human beings you can be proud of, seeing them smile, getting their hugs, and having their unconditional love is all the thanks I need.


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